12 Cool Titles and Certificates You Can Get Online

12 Cool Titles and Certificates You Can Get Online

If you need to boost your resume or you want to be called something cooler than mister/miss, you can get any of these titles right now:

  1. Become a Priest of The Church of the Latter-Day Dude. As a Dudeïst Priest you get to minister over religious ceremonies like weddings in most U.S. states!
  2. Become a Minister of the Universal Life Church
  3. Become a citizen of Asgardia, the space nation
  4. Become a Lord or Lady of the Principality of Sealand, a micronation on an oil rig.
  5. Become a Lord or Lady of England with a plot of land
  6. Become a Lord or Lady of Scotland by buying a small plot of land
  7. Become a member or a Pastafarian Minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster 
  8. Become a Minister of the Church of Beer
  9. Become a real life Pokemon professor 
  10. Become a Unicorn Hunter by getting your free licence
  11. Become a Dog Psychologist
  12. Become a Moon Owner by buying land on the moon

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